Download Savaari Android and iOS App to book an outstation and local AC cab within seconds. Now travel conveniently across 200+ cities in India.
How to download Savaari Taxi App for a hassle-free cab booking
Enter your phone number in the input box above or search for Savaari Car Rentals on Google Play Store to get our latest version of outstation taxi booking app
Hassle free booking: From search to confirmation, it will take you no more than 30 seconds to make an assured cab booking using our minimalistic, high speed android app.
Choose between Multiple Options: We have a variety of options to suit your car rental needs, from hatchbacks, to luxury cars and tempo travellers.
Punctual service: Our best in the industry taxi booking app ensures that we maintain an excellent track record of a reliable service.
Transparent Billing: Whatever your mode of payment, you will always know what your bill looks like. We know GST, toll fees and inter-state tax can be confusing. This is why our invoices are simple, transparent, and precise.
Reliability and Security: Our drivers undergo extensive sensitization and training to ensure your safety and comfort. Further, we extend 24/7 support to all our travellers.
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