Srinagar to Pahalgam by road

Apr - Jun

Nov - Dec

Mar - Nov

Srinagar - Awantipora - Anantnag - Hassan Noor - Pahalgam

Route 1

3 hrs


108 km

Places to visit on the way: - Birdwatching at Manasbal Lake - Take a detour to the Parihaspora town. - Saffron field  - Awantivarman temple

Srinagar - Bag Shokr Shah - Awantipora - Malik Gund - Pahalgam

Route 2

4 hrs 5 mins


136 km

Places to visit on the way: - Saffron farms at Pampore - City views from Hari Parbat - Aishmuqam Shrine - Visit the Kashmir willow bat factories.

Attractions in Pahalgam

– Avantipur Temple - Betab Valley - Kolahoi glacier - Tarsar Lake - Chandanwari

For an immersive experience, booking a cab with an experienced chauffeur who can provide local expertise and guidance is highly advisable. Savaari offers a fleet of reliable chauffeur-driven cabs, ensuring safe and comfortable travel.